21 Years Manufacturing Experience

Difference between single and double shaft paddle mixer

In today's blog, I'm aiming to give you an overview of the differences between single-shaft and double-shaft paddle mixers.

What’s the working principle of the paddle mixer?

For single-shaft paddle mixer:

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A single-shaft paddle mixer is made up of a single shaft and paddles. Paddles throw materials at multiple angles from the bottom of the mixing tank to the top. Various sizes and quantities of materials have a role in achieving a uniform mixing impact. The revolving paddles smash and blend the bulk of the product, forcing each piece to move quickly and powerfully through the mixing tank. 

For double-shaft paddle mixer:

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The blades propel the materials being blended back and forth. The integrating area between the twin shafts shears and divides it, and it is thoroughly combined instantly and equally.

1. A paddle mixer with two horizontal paddle shafts, one for each paddle, is known as a "double shaft paddle mixer."

2.Crossover and patho-occlusion are moved with the driving equipment using two cross paddle shafts.

3. During high-speed rotation, the rotating paddle creates centrifugal force. The material is pouring into the upper half of the paddle mixer tank and then descending (the vertex of the material is in a so-called instant non-gravity state).

Here are the suitable materials for the paddle mixer:

A single-shaft paddle mixer is used to mix various powders, liquid spray powders, powders with granules, granules with granules, and so on. It can also be used to combine materials with a large density difference. It is widely applied in food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agriculture, construction, etc.

A double-shaft paddle mixer is widely used in the mixing of powder and powder, granular and granular, granular and powder, and paste or sticky material; it is applicable in food, chemicals, pesticides, feeding materials, battery applications, etc.

There are differences between both types of paddle mixer:

tank shape, double shaft, rotary back to each other, and discharge shape.

Single-shaft paddle mixer

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Single Shaft

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Double-shaft paddle mixer

1.Mixing Tank

2.Mixer Lid

3.Motor and reducer



6.Watching Window

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Double Shaft

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On a paddle mixer, there is an option for a viewing window. It depends on the customer's intended design whether you want to customize the pull and push design of the viewing window.

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That would be the difference between the two types of paddle mixers, the single-shaft, and double-shaft paddle mixers. I hope you learn and determine the differences between the two types of paddle mixers.

Post time: Feb-23-2022